
Here is a reverse chronological list of publications from the Chick Atlas and collaborative projects.

  1. Martin A, Maher S, Summerhurst K, Davidson D, Murphy P
    Differential deployment of paralogous Wnt genes in the mouse and chick embryo during development
    Evolution and Development, pages 178-195, Vol. 14, Issue 2, April 2012
    Erratum, May 2012

  2. Wong F, Welten MCM, Anderson C, Bain AA, Liu J, Wicks MN, Pavlovska G, Davey MG, Murphy P, Davidson D, Tickle CA, Stern CD, Baldock RA, Burt DW
    eChickAtlas: an introduction to the database.
    Genesis (in press), 2012

  3. Welten M, Pavlovska G, Chen Y, Teruoka Y, Fisher M, Bangs F, Towers M, Tickle C.
    3D expression patterns of cell cycle genes in the developing chick wing and comparison with expression patterns of genes implicated in digit specification.
    Dev Dyn. 2011 May;240(5):1278-88. doi: 10.1002/dvdy.22633.

  4. Fisher M, Downie H, Welten MC, Delgado I, Bain A, Planzer T, Sherman A, Sang H, Tickle C.
    Comparative Analysis of 3D Expression Patterns of Transcription Factor Genes and Digit Fate Maps in the Developing Chick Wing.
    PLoS One. 2011 Apr 22;6(4):e18661.

  5. Bangs F, Welten M, Davey MG, Fisher M, Yin Y, Downie H, Paton B, Baldock R, Burt DW, Tickle C.
    Identification of genes downstream of the Shh signalling in the developing chick wing and syn-expressed with Hoxd13 using microarray and 3D computational analysis.
    Mech Dev. 2010 Sep-Dec;127(9-12):428-41. Epub 2010 Aug 12.

  6. Fisher ME, Clelland AK, Bain A, Baldock RA, Murphy P, Downie H, Tickle C, Davidson DR, Buckland RA
    Integrating technologies for comparing 3D gene expression domains in the developing chick limb
    Developmental Biology, Volume 317, Issue 1, 1 May 2008, Pages 13-23. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2008.01.031